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The 5 Laws of Learning

The educational concept of A.C.E. was built on five basic laws of learning:

Law 1. Students must be at subject levels where they can perform.

Law 2. Students must set reasonable goals.

Law 3. Students must be controlled and motivated.

Law 4. Learning must be measurable.

Law 5. Learning must be rewarded.

5 Laws Of Learning

Five Laws of Learning

In the 1960s, many students were not performing at their grade levels. This fact compelled many to question the very structure of the conventional educational system. A.C.E. addressed these concerns and designed a Biblically based educational program geared to meet the learning needs of individual children. This unique program consists of mastery-based curriculum and materials that are self-instructional, character building, and individually prescribed.

Whether the student is a high achiever, a moderately paced learner, or a slow learner, the A.C.E. educational process begins at the exact level determined by the child’s ability. This is individualization, making it possible for each student to master the subject matter before moving on. Such mastery is the foundation upon which all future learning is built.

The educational concept of A.C.E. was built on five basic laws of learning:

Law 1. Students must be at subject levels where they can perform.

Law 2. Students must set reasonable goals.

Law 3. Students must be controlled and motivated.

Law 4. Learning must be measurable.

Law 5. Learning must be rewarded.

Diagnosis and Prescription

Are your students really mastering basic math, English, social studies, science, and spelling skills? Could there be some learning gaps that have not been identified? A.C.E. diagnostic testing begins with simple concepts and continues through more advanced abstract thinking. Successful completion of this diagnostic testing indicates readiness for high school level curriculum.

A doctor must diagnose a patient’s physical needs before prescribing proper treatment. In much the same way, a student’s academic needs must be diagnosed before proper curriculum can be prescribed. Proper academic diagnosis and prescription is vital to a student’s achievement.

Each student entering the A.C.E. program is given diagnostic tests to determine skill and concept mastery. The diagnostic tests assist the evaluator in determining the student’s academic needs in each subject. After the student completes the diagnostic testing, he is given curriculum that meets and challenges him at his performance level.

Diagnostic placement testing ensures that students begin at the exact point of their academic needs. Additionally, diagnostic testing determines if there are any “learning gaps.” Students can simply fill in the “learning gaps” without the stigma of “failing” a grade or falling behind.

Academic tests include math, English, spelling, and reading (Bible, Literature and Creative Writing, science, and social studies). These tests cover basic skills normally mastered before high school.

If weak areas are evident from the testing, the appropriate gap PACEs are prescribed to strengthen specific weaknesses. After completing the gap PACEs, the student progresses at his performance level. If he demonstrates mastery at all levels of testing, he has the ability to function at his chronological grade level in the high school curriculum.

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